About Me

TerriStovallFirst and foremost, I am a follower of Christ.  I do not say that lightly, but as one who lives each second at the pleasure of The One True Living God.

Second, I am married to the most amazing and wonderful man in the world.  Jay is the love of my life.

Through the years, I have served local Southern Baptist Churches as Minister of Education, Administration, Children and Women.  Currently, God allows me the tremendous privilege of investing in the lives of women called to ministry and service as the Dean of Women’s Programs at Southwetsern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. There are many strong, gifted women at Southwestern who are making a tremendous difference in this world for the Kingdom of God in the way God intended.

I have earned a Master of Arts in Religious Education, a Master of Divinity, and  a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Check out my publications page for the books I have either co-authored or contributed to.


Jay and I have no children, but we are the world’s coolest Aunt and Uncle to four beautiful nieces and one handsome nephew. We enjoy motorcycling (yes, that is us), traveling the country riding rollercoasters and enjoying life.



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