Walking through Friday to get to Sunday . . .

April 9, 2020 | By | Add a Comment

On this Maundy Thursday, we pause to remember the last supper between Jesus and His disciples. Many around that table had no idea what the next day – FRIDAY – would bring.  But, I often wonder what was going through the hearts and minds of those who loved Jesus as they stood, seemingly hopeless and helpless, watching the brutality, and feeling the darkness that surrounded them. 

God reminds me that there will be dark and hard days like that Friday, but I have to walk through the Fridays in order for God to finish His work in me. It is the only way to get to Sunday.

I know some of you may be so engulfed in the darkness of your Friday, that there seems to be no hope of a Sunday.  I have been there myself. And sometimes we, as women, get stuck on our Fridays. Sometimes we just want to skip them all together and jump to the celebration of Sunday. But, it was on a Friday many years ago that God did his greatest work for us and even today, on those dark and hard days, that God can do His greatest work of finishing you. 

Dr. S. M. Lockridge was a prominent black pastor who could preach like none other. His rhythmic cadence, repeated refrains, and solid content made for memorable moments for those who sat under his preaching. One of his more famous sermons introduced the phrase, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming.” 

I don’t know where or who you are today . . . 

  • Are you Mary, the mother of Jesus, watching your child hurt, dying and there’s nothing you can do? …… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
  • Are you Peter, who is angry at the circumstances and angry at yourself for what you did?….It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming! 
  • Are you Mary of Bethany, who just wants to soothe open wounds, but neither tears nor oil will stop the inevitable?…… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
  • Are you Mary Magdalene, who refuses to take your eyes off Jesus but you watch from a distance, grieving a deep loss?…… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
  • Are you Thomas with more questions than answers?…… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
  • Are you like the Apostles who are lost and afraid?…… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
  • Are you caught up in the crowd, swayed to speak death rather than life?…… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
  • Are you overcome by the darkness that surrounds you to the point that you cannot see the sun?…… It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday . . . but Sunday’s Coming!

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Terri Stovall

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